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Wikileaks Shows DNC Chairwoman Giving Clinton Town Hall Questions in Advance



While Donna Brazile has denied it, a recent Wikileaks dump shows that the DNC Chairwoman gave the Hillary Campaign questions to a town hall debate.

Politico Reports:

On March 12, Brazile — who at the time was DNC vice chair and a CNN and ABC contributor — wrote Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri an email reading “From time to time I get the questions in advance.”

“Here’s one that worries me about HRC,” Brazile wrote.

“DEATH PENALTY 19 states and the District of Columbia have banned the death penalty. 31 states, including Ohio, still have the death penalty. According to the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, since 1973, 156 people have been on death row and later set free. Since 1976, 1,414 people have been executed in the U.S. That’s 11% of Americans who were sentenced to die, but later exonerated and freed. Should Ohio and the 30 other states join the current list and abolish the death penalty?”

Palmieri wrote back to Brazile: “Yes, it is one she gets asked about. Not everyone likes her answer but can share it,” before instructing another staff member to send the campaign’s answer.

On March 13, Clinton faced a very similar question at a town hall in Ohio, according to a transcript of the event.

“Secretary Clinton, since 1976, we have executed 1,414 people in this country. Since 1973, 156 who were convicted have been exonerated from the death row. This gentleman here is one of them. This is Ricky Jackson, wrongfully convicted of murder in 1975, he spent 39 years in prison. He is undecided. Ricky, what is your question?”

said TV One’s Roland Martin, who co-moderated the town hall with CNN anchor Jake Tapper, before introducing questioner Ricky Jackson.

See Politico article for more:


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