Fake News

CNN Exposed as a Hovel of Lies, Tries to Point Blame Elsewhere



CNN hilariously posted an article today alerting readers of fake news sites. They warned of the massive spread of disinformation across the digital media landscape – something Free Press Fail has been writing on for some time now. One can only wonder if CNN’s hypocrisy is willful ignorance.

Spin doctor Brian Stelter even acknowledge his own predicament in writing about this:

“As soon as I spoke about this on television on Sunday, CNN detractors filled my inbox with messages saying that CNN is the ultimate example of “fake news.”
But that’s a deliberate attempt to confuse the issue. Whatever faults CNN has, news organizations small and large try very hard to report the truth.”

Try very hard to report the truth? How about when they unapologetically misquoted Trump, and then tried to cover it up:



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