Fake News

BuzzFeed Hit Piece Backfires in Best Way Possible



Twitchy’s Sarah D. Reports:

“BuzzFeed’s currently nose-deep in a hot pile of their own steaming crap after publishing what can most charitably be described as a hit piece on “Fixer Upper” hosts Chip and Joanna Gaines. Editor in chief Ben Smith offered up a half-assed defense of writer Kate Aurthur’s smear job, but nobody’s really buying it. And why should they? It’s complete garbage.

Smith claims Aurthur and BuzzFeed tried to get answers from HGTV, but they never heard back. Apparently that was all the research they needed to run with their story.”

Kate Aurthur’s article:


Luckily people on twitter caught on to this egregious attempt at creating #fakenews and responded in turn:





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