Censorship Watch
Top Five Conservatives Shadow Banned by Social Media Giants
Last week, Twitter made news when they hid tweets from user’s timelines and disabled the search feature for some of the strongest conservative leaders.
Here are the Top 5 Victims of Twitter’s Shady Shadow Ban
1. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel @GOPChairwoman
Twitter Thought Crime: Being a woman who votes Republican?
2. Republican Representative Mark Meadows @RepMarkMeadows
Twitter Thought Crime: Standing by President Trump through the Russia investigation witch hunt?
3. Republican Representative Matt Gaetz @MattGaetz
Twitter Thought Crime: Standing by President Trump through the Russia investigation witch hunt?
4. Republican Representative Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan
Twitter Thought Crime: Standing by President Trump…???? Noticing a pattern here…
5. ME @corinnec
Twitter Thought Crime: #MAGA-ing way too hard? (and sharing Ronna’s burden of being one of those women who vote Republican)
That’s just the short list!
There are, most likely, thousands of users effectively “disappeared” just because we do not align with Twitter’s Silicon Valley mind-set. And most haven’t even realized it yet!
For the record: DNC Chairman Tom Perez is easily found on Twitter.
Twitter claims their new method of targeting is meant to reduce the flow of fake news and abusive content, but all its done so far is give an upperhand to leftists. By flagging basic terms like ‘God,’ ‘the American flag’ and ‘guns,’ for banning, they are unfairly eliminating conservative accounts in the blink of an eye.
People are rightfully beginning to speak out on the issue…
But Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is so bold he isn’t even trying to hide it! Just look at the lame excuse he provided.
Please note, he does NOT say he is attempting to restore the accounts of any conservatives who have been silenced on his platform.
This is only the beginning of what will surely be a hard-fought battle for fair media coverage in the 2018 election.