Fake News

BBC Rewrites History To Credit Gorbachev With Ending The Cold War



BBC had an interview with Mikhail Gorbachev this week to talk about the current media described tensions between Russia and the West.

First of all – I cannot possibly be the only one who was fairly positive Gorbachev was long dead. President Reagan was the youngest old guy in American history and he passed away long ago. Gorbachev has seemed to be approximately 92 years old since he got yelled at to tear down the Berlin wall.

But just in time for the beginning of the chilly weather and the holiday season we have been visited by the first ghost – the ghost of foreign policy past. In his interview with BBC he imparted the wisdom that nuclear weapon stock-piling makes tensions with Russia dangerous. Sounds familiar Miki…

The BBC credits Gorbachev not only with ending the arms race with America (implying that President Reagan merely complied with Gorbachev’s wishes) but also with the tearing down of the Berlin wall with no bloodshed. 


The fact is that it was not Gorbachev’s (who would have happily stayed with the status quo of Russia’s continued weapons stockpiling so long as everyone else stopped) but President Reagan’s groundbreaking State policy which shook up the decades long stand-off with Russia and brought peace-time between the two nations and in Europe. Much like what President Trump is doing now. 

This total rewrite of history is how future generations grow without an appreciation for the policies that truly bring peace to the world and help fuel the notion perpetuated by the leftist media that somehow leaving conflict is what causes conflict.

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