Fake News

March For Life Media Coverage Reveals Fake News Bias



President Trump was the first President in March for Life history to speak at the event (Reuters)

March for Life is an annual protest against legal abortion which has taken place in Washington, DC on the same weekend in January since 1974. That is 47 years of consistent heavy attendance in the middle of frigid January in the Nation’s capital. March for Life attracted 10,000 attendees about ten years after its inception during one of the biggest blizzards in Washington, DC history. In 2016 – another blizzard hit the city with 24 inches of snow drop and the march went on with thousands in attendance. The 2019 event hosted about 100,000 marchers or more and 2020 is expected to be at least as successful. 

Needless to say, the blood-thirsty left media can hardly bear to witness such a show of unity between the majority of Americans who agree that human life is valuable and that abortion is not a humane practice. So together with their friends at the major democratic think tanks like Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List – they developed significantly less successful, much sadder fake marches the most pathetic of which is/was the Women’s March. 

The Women’s March was invented after the election of Donald Trump because liberal women were upset that Hillary Clinton didn’t get elected and they wanted to protest the insurgent new republican administration for their potential plans to revoke women’s rights. The irony of course, was that there was not and is not any threat to any rights of women except (rather distantly) abortion rights. So under the very thin veil of “protecting women’s rights” the Women’s March was born to advocate for legal, free, joyful abortions. In perhaps the most petty move in the history of protests – the Women’s March organizers chose to put the march not on the same day as March For Life (which would have been a more courageous act of counter-protest) but just the same weekend. 

Women’s March (Washingtonian) 

Though the first march (which also fell the day after President Trump’s inauguration) was a large success, In a completely unsurprising series of events – just three years after its inception, the Women’s March is all but dead. The attendance in 2019 was about 10,000 and is expected to be about the same count in 2020. Its unsurprising because the march was a complete sham. Based on fiction and masking its true nature (besides generalized discontent with losing an election) – the Women’s March was easily coopted by organizers with questionable ethics and beliefs. The original co-organizers were documented raging anti-semitists who claimed that “Jewish people” were more responsible than anyone else for the oppression of black and brown people and publicly abused a member of the organizing team for being jewish. One of them was even a member of the Nation of Islam. When the organizers were forced out and replaced – not one year later another one of their replacements was removed from the board for comparing jews to terrorists. Not exactly the resume of success for an annual gathering expecting any kind of longevity. The Women’s March is not a real thing at all, and was simply a one time shout into the void. And frankly, the void wasn’t even listening. 

Anti-Semetists and co-founders of the women’s march Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory

March for Life being perhaps the sole legitimate long-standing protest in Washington, DC does not stop the liberal media from giving it as yellow of coverage as it can get away with and still sleep at night. Where the liberal media was more than happy to allow March for Women to call itself such even though it was really “March for Abortion” or perhaps “March against Trump” – it has taken it upon itself to rebrand a 100 year old belief system from pro-life to “anti-abortion” in an effort to put a negative spin on their set of beliefs. Also where the liberal media loves it when climate change movements are lead by students – they dismiss the entire March for Life because of being largely student lead. Finally – when a liberal activist gets bullied by adults at a distance, the liberal media is quick to rush to her defense (re: Greta being made fun of by adults on Twitter), but when a conservative activist gets physically intimidated by a group of adults – they intentionally create a completely fake narrative turning him into a racist. 

The Cut coverage of Greta’s non-physical cyber-bullying
CNNs coverage of a boy in a MAGA hat at March for Life being physically intimidated by an adult man 

The liberal media and the left will never show respect to the nation’s only real march. But March for Life will continue on for another 50 years or until they are victorious in protecting human life in the United States.

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