News Trump’s Kansas City Chiefs Published 5 years ago on February 3, 2020 By Jennifer Zilla Over the weekend the Kansas City Chiefs achieved a major victory in the Super Bowl against the San Francisco 49ers. President Trump tweeted his congratulations for the team by suggesting they represented the State of Kansas very well when actually the Kansas City Chiefs are technically located in Kansas City, Missouri not Kansas City, Kansas. See above image for full tweet.Of course, the left salivated over the easy-to-make mistake by posting memes and “dragging” the President for being intellectually inferior to their big giant ivy league brains. But here’s the thing the elite leftist don’t know: Kansans definitely claim the Kansas City Chiefs as their own. Kansas City is a split city on the border of Kansas and Missouri. The rivalry is intense between the dividing line – so much so that born and raised Kansans will go out of their way to make sure when they move to the city for work that they remain on the Kansas side of the line (and same for Missourians). (Frank Clark in sweatshirt featuring President Trump and Kanye West)The Chiefs are a Kansas team – and while President Trump realized his error and retweeted with the Missouri correction, he wasn’t really wrong in the first place. The Chiefs did in fact represent Kansas well. There is not a soul in Kansas that would not beat their chest and claim victory in last night’s game. In fact, the Chiefs are a beloved team throughout the entire midwest where most states do not have a professional NFL team. The Chiefs are the primary team of Nebraska, Iowa and Oklahoma as well. Had President Trump inserted one of those states into his tweet, the message would still ring as true. Once again, the left has decided to play semantic ego games instead of accepting the President for the spirit of his message. The spirit of the message is congratulations and pride for Kansas who loves the Kansas City Chiefs. Considering the open support of President Trump by Kansas City Chief’s player, Frank Clark, as well as Head Coach Andy Reid’s open support of Trump endorsed Governor Jeff Colyer, I think the team will be more than happy to join the President at the White House even if he did think Arrowhead Stadium was in Kansas. What the Chiefs have to look forward to (USA Today)And just FYI to the DC elites participating in the mockery of President Trump’s mistake – the “Washington Redskins” do not play in Washington, DC. So next time the Redskins win – be sure not to credit the District of Columbia but rather, Maryland only or you too will have to be hung as an intellectually inferior. Related Topics:Featuredsuper bowlTDSTrump