Censorship Watch

Big Tech Censorship Strikes Again



In the latest example of big tech censorship, Twitter has locked out New York Post journalist Jon Levine after he exposed the socialist ties of the mega-wealthy Youtube star and former Vox News failure, Carlos Maza.

News broke over the weekend that Jon’s account was suspended from the platform claiming he had violated Twitter’s terms of service.

Levine’s so-called crime against Carlos was simple: he tweeted pictures from his recent article, “YouTube socialist Carlos Maza slams the wealthy but lived in luxury,” depicting the Maza family’s $10 million mansion in Florida.

For the record, these are available to all members of the public on real estate websites, where Levine grabbed them. But this – completely true and not at all insulting unless you hate the wealthy, like Maza claims to – tweet resulted in a ban for journalist.

When conservative tweeters went wild, Twitter reversed their ban calling the suspension an “error” and assuring Jon that he did NOT violate the terms of service.


They quickly alerted Levine that he would need to delete the tweets in question if he wanted to keep his account alive.

Levine says it best in the tweet below: “This is Orwellian.”

Who is next?

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