Fake News WATCH: Black Trans Lives Matter’ Protester Shares Anti-Capitalist Views Published 5 years ago on June 29, 2020 By Corinne Clark On Saturday, Black Lives Matter protesters joined LGBTQ activists in London took to the streets to argue for the abolition of police and an end to capitalism. Despite the legal ban on large gatherings due to Coronavirus regulations, thousands of protesters met for what they called the “Black Trans Lives Matter” rally. https://www.freepressfail.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/blm.movMost demonstrators chanted the usual anti-police and anti-racism rhetoric, but one radical took things a bit further claiming that “racism only exists because of capitalism” and therefore the black community “need to cut off their money, we need to make a bigger challenge, stop paying our taxes, stop turning up to their workplace,” adding: “if we can strike for climate, we can strike for black lives”.She went on to pronounce that “these days I see the police, they aren’t out here to protect the people… they are out here to protect buildings and statues.” The crowd went wild, suggesting they agreed with the radical sentiment.Protests have erupted across the United Kingdom since the death of George Floyd last month, with Black Lives Matter activists often violently clashing with police in London. In just the past few weeks, more than 140 officers have been injured in the protests and riots that continue to operate in clear violation of the nation’s Coronavirus laws. Related Topics: