
NEW PHOTOS: President Trump Shocks The Press By Wearing THIS



The liberal media is frequently upset by President Trump’s actions – or inactions – and his latest move is leaving a bunch of journalists with mixed feelings.

After months of criticism over his refusal to wear a mask, he shocked the press with his new facial covering.


The mask was worn during a visit to a military hospital on Saturday and it marks the first time the president has been seen in public wit any type of facial covering.

He commented on the accessory before leaving for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, saying “when you’re in a hospital, especially … I think it’s a great thing to wear a mask.”

Trump wore the mask in Walter Reed throughout the visit, but he was not wearing one when he left the facility.

While many reporters have been outraged by the lack of masks in the past, NONE have applauded the president’s facial coverings this weekend. SHOCKING.

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