Fake News

Is Kanye West a Conservative? See What He’s Saying About Joe Biden, Planned Parenthood, and White Supremacy



Recently, rapper and reported Trump supporter Kanye West announced on Twitter that he would be running for President.

On the Fourth of July “we must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States,” he declared before adding the hashtag “2020Vision.”

Since then, he has shared his platform with the world, angering Democrats and leaving many Republicans wondering: is Kanye a conservative?

A long interview with Forbes would suggest as much.

The rapper blasted the nation’s largest abortion factory, Planned Parenthood, telling the magazine that “Planned Parenthoods have been placed inside cities by white supremacists to do the devil’s work.”

He continued: “I am pro-life because I’m following the word of the Bible,” he added.

Last week, West tweeted and then deleted a screenshot of a Google search for “what does a 6 month fetus look like.” Along with the image, he wrote “These souls deserve to live.”

Sources say that a bunch of liberal snowflakes immediately deleted Kanye’s hits from their iTunes libraries upon hearing the news. 

With Forbes, Kanye also discussed the importance of God and prayer – even in schools.

When asked if students should pray in public schools, West replied: “Reinstate in God’s state, in God’s country, the fear and love of God in all schools and organizations and you chill the fear and love of everything else. So that was a plan by the devil to have our kids committing suicide at an all-time high by removing God, to have murders in Chicago at an all-time high because the human beings working for the devil removed God and prayer from the schools. That means more drugs, more murders, more suicide.”

The left has been put on defense, now working overtime to destroy Kanye’s credibility, even going as far as questioning his sanity.

It’s clear that he struck a nerve – and they’re worried. 

Kanye has something to say about that, too. 

He criticized the presumptive Democrat nominee, saying “Joe Biden? Like come on man, please. You know? Obama’s special. Trump’s special. We say Kanye West is special. America needs special people that lead. Bill Clinton? Special. Joe Biden’s not special.”

He continued, taking aim at the party and their attempt to cover up the infamous Biden gaffes, including his racist comments. “A lot of times just like political parties they feel all Blacks have to be Democrat. This man, Joe Biden, said if you don’t vote for me, then you are not Black. Well, act like we didn’t hear that? We act like we didn’t hear that man say that? That man said that,” Kanye said.

The left is furious. 

But even with this controversy, West has not officially registered as a candidate or taken any of the traditional steps involved with a run for office. He has only tweeted the announcement. 

President Trump weighed in on West’s run earlier this month, calling the potential competition  “very interesting.”

He also said West has “a real voice,” before noting the obstacles Kanye faces.

Trump pointed out that the window of opportunity may have passed for legitimate candidacy, saying “It’d have to be limited to certain states because in some states the deadline has been missed.”

The president certainly did not seem to object to the idea of having another celebrity on the ballot in 2020 – but he seemed to be more interested in Kanye in the next election cycle.

 “If he did it,” Trump said, “he would have to view this as a trial run for what’s going to happen in four years.”

A conservative vote for Kanye West 2024? 

Kanye seems open, telling Forbes “If I win in 2020 then it was God’s appointment. If I win in 2024 then that was God’s appointment.”

Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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