
Here are the top 5 reasons we should question Dr. Fauci



Recently President Trump has called into question the hypocrisy of democrats by retweeting a podcast host, Mark Young, who posited the question “So based on Dr. Fauci and the Democrats, I will need an ID card to go shopping but not to vote?” This comes in the wake of downgrading Dr. Fauci’s status as COVID-19 response team mouthpiece and removing him from the press conference circuit. 

Democrats criticize President Trump for this move largely because democrats are not in the business of questioning any authority and certainly not the doctor who is giving them even more power. 

While it is important to listen to experts about their field of expertise – here are five reasons why questioning Dr. Fauci is totally appropriate and something we all need to be doing: 

1. Dr. Fauci is not the only doctor in the entire world

There are many differing opinions to Dr. Fauci’s in terms of best practices and likely outcomes relating to COVID-19. Globally, it is recognized that asymptomatic transfer of COVID-19 is incredibly rare and unlikely. Dr. Fauci has said it is a very likely way to transfer COVID-19. Those two opinions are in total conflict. There is no way of knowing who is right – though it is worth noting that the CDC is relying upon a single study done by a German operation where the patient was never interviewed. So it is impossible to know whether or not the patient was symptomatic. The supporting literature is almost exclusively from Chinese studies. 

This is one example of many where different experts in the same field of epidemiology have differing opinions on models and predictions. Dr. Fauci is not the only doctor. 

2. Dr. Fauci has been very wrong consistently throughout the pandemic 

There are reports that President Trump attempted to alert the media about the number of times (with cited incidents) that information has been unreliable from Dr. Fauci. The list is not published because the media does not want to inform the public of the entire truth. But there are certain instances such as when he specifically said masks would not protect against the virus then changed his mind 100% to the other direction. Or when he said that the virus can live on surfaces for 36 hours and it turns out the virus cannot live on surfaces whatsoever. Or when he predicted full hospitals and morgues and none of that came to any fruition. 

3. The consequences of Dr. Fauci’s words are extreme

When Dr. Fauci sits in his position with a government endorsed national microphone and says that COVID-19 can transfer from surfaces, it leads to national level policies and supply shortages. When he says that regular masks won’t work – it leads to N95 shortages and months long lockdowns. The cost of his words are hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. Anyone with that much authority in his words, well intentioned or otherwise, should be scrutinized on a regular basis. 

When Dr. Fauci incorrectly stated that hydroxychloroquine would not be beneficial to COVID-19 patients we do not know how many patients died when the drug could have been used thanks to state and FDA bans placed on the drug because of his incorrect words. Dr. Fauci’s own NIH even found that the drug would do no harm to patients. So a total ban based on Dr. Fauci’s claim it was dangerous, was particularly egregious. 

4. Dr. Faucis weighs in on specific activities based on biases

Repeatedly Dr. Fauci has cautioned against some activities but not others which eliminates neutrality in his recommendations. For example he has specifically warned against: 

  1. In-person voting 
  2. Political party conventions 
  3. Anti stay-at-home protests 
  4. Going to church 
  5. Visiting beaches
  6. Using gyms and salons
  7. Patronizing bars 

When he was asked about the recent outbreak in protests motivated by racial inequality, he took a much more nuanced tone saying that he did think they were the “perfect” environment for disease spread but balancing civil rights was important in making safety decisions. He did not think balancing civil rights was important for the above activities. 

If Dr. Fauci was a truly objective party he would say “no crowds over x size” and leave it at that. But because he singles out some activities over others – his advice is worth questioning just like any other person in political power. 

5. All government officials should always be questioned 

Dr. “Black People Need Slavery” Cartwright

Being a doctor or a law enforcement agent or a member of the military does not make someone infallible. It is our responsibility as Americans to question every single government official who is capable of making decisions or offering advice which impacts our rights and our daily lives. In fact, in history – Doctors have made some pretty bad calls. Prior to the 1920s- “Scientists” who advised the government were almost unanimous in their assertion that certain races were biologically superior than others. The 1840 U.S. census officially reports that free black Americans in the north suffered mental illness at a higher rate than enslaved black Americans therefor “proving” slavery was better for people than freedom. Those people were clearly wrong/lying and using a lot of bias in their analysis but their assertions had major consequences on the nation. People should have questioned them more. 

Government officials have a long history of using “facts” and “expertise” to implement policy of their own biased interests. It’s always okay to question them. Especially when they use their titles to silence you. 

Don’t be bullied by the leftist media into accepting every spoon-fed piece of information without question from a bureaucrat just because he’s a doctor. Everyday Americans know the difference between objective advice and fear mongering and we can make that decision ourselves. 

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