
In One Short Tweet, Kayleigh McEnany Totally Eviscerates Joe Biden



While Biden has faced quite a bit of criticism from the press about his basically non-existent relationship with reporters, no one has ripped into him as devastatingly as White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

She ripped into Joe Biden on Twitter for avoiding Fox News, including Chris Wallace, after the president sat down with him just the week before.

“Where is Corrupt Joe Biden?” she asked. “He won’t answer questions because he can’t.”

She added that “You also can’t choreograph your way to the presidency and hide from the American people, which is EXACTLY what Corrupt Joe is trying to do!”

McEnany’s rant comes after Joe Biden on the press AGAIN last week, which we reported here.

It’s been several months since Sleepy Joe took questions from the press.

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