Fake News Washington Post Humiliated: Kellyanne Conway Destroys Liberal Reporter on Twitter Published 4 years ago on July 30, 2020 By Corinne Clark White House Reporter Seung Min Kim must’ve been having a bad morning when she decided to tweet some instructions to “all of you on Twitter screaming at reporters on how to do our jobs.”Unfortunately, that tweet probably made it worse. Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway fired back immediately – and we think Seung might and some need some ice for the BURN. See moreFair. Yet all of you reporters living on Twitter and thinking it IS journalism: Just stop. https://t.co/vwjCY1jDaZ — Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) July 30, 2020 Destroyed.But Twitter just wasn’t done. The tweets kept pouring in to remind Seung that people wouldn’t tell journalists how to do her job if, you know, journalists ever did their job. Some big names got in on the fun, too. See moreMedia should definitely not reflect on how to improve their work or rebuild trust with readers in the face of horrific errors, constant narrative pushing, and mistreatment of much of the population. https://t.co/SpILKOC2zQ — Mollie (@MZHemingway) July 30, 2020 See moreI’ve been hearing this for 15 years ever since bloggers built a large enough audience to force journalists, for the first time, to hear public critiques.Professions are strengthened, not weakened, when they hear public criticisms. You just have to see the public as not-trash: https://t.co/5l2AymvCXg— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 30, 2020 See moreSo you write for the public but the public doesn’t get to write back?Stop silencing people you don’t like. https://t.co/eI5rd5xmdS — Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) July 30, 2020 See moreDo your job instead of propagandizing 24/7 and people will stop telling you to do your job instead of propagandizing 24/7. https://t.co/wFpArePKZk— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 30, 2020 Think it’s safe to say: nobody likes fake news! Related Topics: