
Insane! Rep. Ilhan Omar Offers Her Support To Rioters Destroying Her State



This weekend, Democrat “squad” leader Rep. Ilhan Omar appeared in a video tweeted by The Hill endorsing the riots that have absolutely destroyed her home state of Minnesota.

In it, she speaks to constituents about the riots calling them “an ongoing uprising over centuries of racial neglect and oppression.” Saying “we maintain a system that grinds millions into desperate poverty.”

Of course, her solution to all of it is a bunch of socialist nonsense.

It is truly amazing how out-of-touch Rep. Omar can be. She has absolutely zero sympathy for the hundreds of Americans hurt or hospitalized, the dozens killed, or the millions of dollars in property destruction small businesses are facing.

Instead of working together to repair the damages, she’d rather trash our “racist” nation that allowed her – a woman born in the capital of Somalia – to enjoy freedom and rise to political power just only years after emigrating.


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