Fake News
Ahead Of The Debate, President Donald Trump Makes A Bold Demand: A Drug Test For Joe Biden?
Former Vice President Joe Biden is known for his gaffes on the campaign trail, but President Donald Trump is growing concerned that his missteps may be more than just every day mistakes.
For months, the president has questioned Joe’s mental fitness and his stamina. He’s also stated his concern as to whether or not Joe Biden is cognitively fit for the presidency.
The president has previously requested that Joe Biden take a cognitive test to prove his mental acuity. To public knowledge, Joe Biden did not accept that challenge.
So now, Donald Trump is demanding that Sleepy Joe take another kind of test.
On Sunday morning, the president Tweeted this:
Perhaps a drug test isn’t out of line for the candidate who recently asked a reporter: “are you a junkie?”

The Biden campaign hasn’t responded yet, but conservatives on Twitter seem supportive of the idea.