Fake News

LEFTIST TALKING POINTS REVEALED: Latest Attacks On Judge Amy Coney Barrett Seem Very Well Organized



When President Donald Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Saturday, he asked that liberals in the media and in the Senate treat her confirmation process with the respect – and basic civility – worthy of a great woman.

And leftists have replied with a seemingly very well organized attack on the mother of 7. The following tweets all employ the very same talking point: “Amy shouldn’t accept the seat in a time like this!”

It’s clear they all read the same memo and immediately tweeted out their new orders!

While the tweets are plentiful, the overall argument seems super weak for a judge as strong as ACB. Especially considering their own hero, Merrick Garland, DID accept a nomination in similar circumstances. Even if cocaine Mitch did stomp on his chances to serve. Thank God!

Perhaps they should come up with something new… and space out the tweets a little better so they don’t look like little robots.

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