Need Proof That COVID-19 is OVER? Check Out This Must-Read Thread
COVID-19 is OVER and scientists agree!
At least, that’s the conclusion Vanessa Beely has reached after compiling evidence from scientific advisors.
In her must-read Twitter thread, she makes the case that the pandemic has come to an end. And it’s sure to blow every liberal mind to pieces.

You can check it out HERE on Twitter or read it below.
1. Mike Yeadon, Pfizer ex-chief scientific advisor.
'Ferguson's model has no validity in view of most scientists.'
"Most scientists don't accept Ferguson's model was even faintly right."
2. "Yes, its a novel virus but its very closely related to at least four other viruses that circulate freely in the population, which are all corona viruses and contribute to the common cold, so bluntly it was naive of them (government etc) to assume everyone was susceptible.."
3. Four or five scientific papers have since come out that suggest that between 30 – 50% of people have T-Cell immunity cross reacting from having been exposed to these other common cold-inducing coronaviruses"
4. The NHS will maintain Covid stance, allegedly to deal with the "second wave".
"Someone in government, either Hancock, Ferguson or SAGE has decided that [..] its ok to have excess avoidable deaths in order to "be prepared"…..
5. … Now, I want someone [..] to come on the air and announce the calculus they have made because it is not an accident, it is a deliberate policy."
6. "30-50% started with a level of immunity which means they are not susceptible to the virus at all – that is well accepted by almost every clinical immunologist and virologist by now….
7. …They have circulating T-Cells, these are cells that remember what you have been exposed to and allow you to quickly respond to a new but related threat".
8. "Only 20/25 % of people needed to be infected 4"pandemic" 2 come 2 standstill through herd immunity threshold. [..]controversial but I am afraid it's fact – when u look at hapse of daily deaths vs time curve,obvious 2 any biological expert "PANDEMIC" IS FUNDAMENTALLY OVER".
9. "I will challenge the government – Ferguson, Hancock, SAGE – to cite the research literature that underscores their belief in a "second wave" [..] it doesn't exist"
10. "SARS and MERS, novel coronaviruses, each of them – one wave each and that is what most people expect with SARS Covid19. There is NO underlying literature that says a second wave is coming , this is an assertion"
11. Basically, Ferguson is trying to save face by predicting a second wave after his alarmist predictions were, yet again, hysterical overreach that served the BIg Pharma interests in UK Government and further afield.
12. "They use a technique called PCR – a molecular biology technique which involves a terrific amount of amplification over,over and over again. That technique is well known to produce a risk of false positives , it comes up positive even though the virus is not present".
In a major U-turn, the government has issued a demand for revision but there is no media coverage of this fact. The public is kept in the dark.
14. WITHOUT THE FALSE TEST DATA "you would rightly conclude that the pandemic was over"
15. "I am demanding that the government, SAGE, pause introducing any more restrictions until they have made the change that they have recognised as necessary"
16. Dr. Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert, developed out of deep knowledge of biology & therapeutics and is an innovative drug discoverer with 23yrs in the pharmaceutical industry.
17. "Dr Yeadon then worked at the Wellcome Research Labs with Salvador Moncada with a research focus on airway hyper-responsiveness and effects of pollutants including ozone and working in drug discovery of 5-LO, COX, PAF, NO and lung inflammation."
Originally tweeted by vanessa beeley (@VanessaBeeley) on September 12, 2020.
There you have it! Can we take off our masks now?