Fake News
President Trump Tests Positive For COVID-19, Now NY Times Wants Him To Drop Out… or Die?
When President Trump announced early Friday morning that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for COVID-19, the New York Times practically jumped for joy.
In a ridiculous article worthy only of their trash reputation, they criticized the president’s Coronavirus response, suggested he “didn’t take the virus seriously,” and gleefully pondered on how the diagnosis would effect the Trump campaign.
“Mr. Trump’s positive test result posed immediate challenges for the future of his campaign against former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic nominee, with barely a month until Election Day. Even if Mr. Trump, 74, remains asymptomatic, he will lose much of his remaining time on the campaign trail. If he becomes sick, it could raise questions about whether he should remain on the ballot at all,” they wrote, no doubt joyously.
And then, they triumphantly gloated that Trump would be canceling his upcoming rallies.
“The White House did not say how long Mr. Trump would have to remain isolated, but it canceled his plans to fly to Florida for a campaign rally on Friday, stripping his public schedule for the day of everything except a midday telephone call “on Covid-19 support to vulnerable seniors.” Appearances at rallies in Wisconsin on Saturday and in Arizona on Monday also appear sure to be scrapped, and the next debate, scheduled for Oct. 15 in Miami, was left up in the air.”
Ironically, the amount of time Trump will most likely stay in isolation – the recommended 14 days – is about the same amount of time Joe Biden has taken off the campaign trail in the last 30 days.
The New York Times, of course, has not questioned Biden’s health for doing so.

Perhaps the best part of the article, though, is the part where they stop suggesting this might cost Trump the campaign and start suggesting it might cost him his life.
Reminising on previous national crisis, they write “Four presidents have died in office of natural causes: William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding and Franklin D. Roosevelt, while Wilson endured a debilitating stroke and Dwight D. Eisenhower had a heart attack in his first term and a stroke in his second. Four others were assassinated in office: Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy.”
“But such health crises in the White House,” they clarify “have been rarer in recent times. Since Reagan was shot in 1981, no president has been known to confront a life-threatening condition while in office.”
Though most rational people hope for a quick recovery for the president and First Lady, it is more than likely the New York Times will not do that, instead continuing to post their flaming garbage pile death wishes disguised as “reports” on the president’s condition.
While it’s probable that the First couple will recover swiftly from COVID-19, it seems it may take the nation longer to recover from the barrage of fake news that will inevitiably come from it.