Fake News

BREAKING: Commission Announces New Format For The Next Presidential Debate And It’s Terrible



On Thursday morning, the supposedly bi-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates announced that the second presidential debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Biden would be conducted virtually.

They’re claiming this is due to health concerns following President Trump’s Coronavirus diagnosis, even though doctors have clarified he is no longer showing any trace of contagious live virus.

The virtual format is sure to raise concerns for Republicans, considering the Democrats are already known cheaters when it comes to debates. In 2016, Hillary was given a heads up on all the debate questions! What’s to stop the fake news from showing up behind screen with a set of cue cards for old Joe now?

Not to mention the possible technical difficulties! Anyone who has had to endure a zoom call for work knows how the lagging and occasional glitch can really throw off a conversation.

A virtual format is a disgrace.

President Trump agrees. Shortly after this article was originally posted, he’s announced that he will not participate.

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