
It’s A Big Tech Coup: Twitter’s Latest Attempt To Silence Conservatives Has Gone Too Far



Big tech has been out for President Trump since day one, but they just took it to a new extreme.

On Friday night, they banned President Donald Trump from Twitter permanently and they didn’t even have the decency to come up with a good excuse as to why.

They announced that the account was removed due to “the risk of further incitement of violence” following the events at the Capitol on Tuesday.

The tweet they claimed really pushed them over the edge?

A simple declaration that the President would not be attending the inauguration of Joe Biden.

Twitter has had a long standing policies that exempts world leaders from the usual violations that includes personal attacks, hate speech, or other stuff Twitter doesn’t like. They use that policy to cover them when China tweets happily about forced sterilization of prisoners, or when the Ayatollah tweets about… pretty much anything.

Since President Donald Trump is still very much the President of the United States, this suspension is in conflict with their own rules.

They exmplained in a desperate blog that they, in their hearts, believed Trump tweets “amounted to glorification of violence when read in the context of the Capitol riot and plans circulating online for future armed protests around the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.”

Twitter also permanently banned two Trump adjacent officials — former national security adviser Michael Flynn and attorney Sidney Powell — as part of a broader purge of conservative accounts.

So far, I’ve lost 4,000 patriot followers on Twitter. So this broad purge seems to be extending beyond the Trump team to flat out silencing anyone who expresses disgust with our (and I cannot stress this enough) DISGUSTING government.

Funny enough, the very same liberals who are now applauding a Trump ban were condemning what they called a “coup” at the Capitol just earlier this week.

It seems they really don’t know what a coup is.

So here’s a lesson for them: a coup would look like big tech and members of the Washington elite teaming up to silence a sitting president before the end of his elected term.

These are wild times.

If social goes dark to all patriots, please, keep in touch by sending in your email at this link:

Stay strong.

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