
Here Are The Top 3 GREATEST Moments From President Trump’s Rally This Weekend



President Trump hosted his first post-presidency rally in Ohio over the weekend and it’s safe to say it was a huge success.

So many patriots attended, even the overflow space was filled to the max. Just check out this crowd!

As expected, President Trump delivered an amazing address that got the people excited and ready for a 2022 victory. Here are the top 3 moments from the speech.

1. When he railed against Biden’s America last agenda.

BEST OF TRUMP'S RALLY: Biden Puts America Last

2. When he read the “The Snake” Poem and the crowd went absolutely wild.


3. When he reminded conservatives that we must put the radical left in their place.

“We must never forget this country does not belong to them. It belongs to you the American people. This is your home, this nation is your heritage, and our magnificent American liberty is your God-given right!”

Following the rally, President Trump released a simple statement that said “Great crowd in Ohio. Thank you!”

The event is sure to be the first of many.

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