
9 Most Thankful People At Biden’s Thanksgiving Table




It’s that time of year again when we gather around the dinner table and give thanks for what we have been blessed with in the past year. With all the wonderful gifts Joe Biden has given this year, I imagine his Thanksgiving table will be bountiful with grateful friends (six feet apart, fully masked with at least one booster shot of course!). 

Here is who I imagine the 9 (because less than 10 of course, COVID is scary) most thankful people at Biden’s Thanksgiving table will be this year: 

  1. OPEC General Secretary, Mohammed Barkindo

With U.S. energy prices surging and Joe Biden stuttering both domestic and allied Canadian pipelines with no viable alternative in the wings, the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) which is made up of essentially African and Middle Eastern states including known sponsors of terrorism as well as America’s #1 ally, Venezuela, has been making loads of money. Barkindo is sure to get a nice Christmas bonus. 

  1. The Taliban 

The Taliban is so grateful to Joe Biden for his handing them Afghanistan along with hundreds of thousands of pieces of U.S. military equipment including the second most Blackhawk helicopters in the world next to the U.S. 

  1.  Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

With billions of taxpayer dollars handed over to Pfizer for development and first batches plus employer mandates ensuring a steady stream of payment, Bourla should be very grateful to Joe Biden for his new yacht he will be probably naming the Joe Covid. 

  1. Chinese Communist Party Leader, Xi Jinping

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping are “old friends” according to Jinping. Biden has ensured China’s status as debt collector for America and embolden China’s presence in Taiwan not to mention their genocide of muslim Chinese citizens. Joe also inexplicably approved a major deal for Chinese Communist Party owned spy agency, Huawei, to produce microchips for American vehicles and cell phones. Xi can’t wait to toast his best friend, Joe. 

  1. Big Tech 

Good ole Joe Biden is making sure Big Tech like Twitter, Facebook and Google have all the tools they need to keep all conservative voices off the internet for any reason they can possibly think of. It’s a silicon valley dreamland. They owe a big thank you to their good buddy Joe. 

  1. Wall Street Insiders

With inflation like we have not seen since the 1970s barreling toward American families, Wall Street insiders who can gamble on futures are primed to make a lot of money off the coming penny pinching of average citizens. 

  1. Illegal border crossers 

With Joe Biden in charge, it’s never been a better time to cross the American/Mexico border illegally. All you do is hop a fence, drop the random kid someone paid you to bring off with the authorities, and head on your merry way for full benefits. No one will be happier at Joe Biden’s table than these million+ folks. 

  1. The liberal media

Never has the leftist media been more emboldened than under their best friend Joe Biden. CNN anchors are openly lamenting the election of republicans and even comparing themselves to American veterans.

  1. Hunter Biden 

Hunter Biden has escaped criminal charges and made millions of dollars on his masterpiece works of art including a New York City art gallery opening where each piece sold for $500,000 just last week. Hunter has loads to thank his Daddy for!

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