Righteousness Porn

The 10 Best Tweets from Dumb Liberals who Fell For the Jussie Smollet Lie



A popular and funny twitter user, E-Beth (@ebeth360), has put together a master thread of all the hilariously self-righteous tweets proffered from liberal politicians and celebrities after believing the completely insane and now totally debunked story of Jussie Smollett. 

As a refresher, Jussie Smollett (who is an actor that was on the show, Empire) claimed he was jumped by two Trump supporters in Chicago both wearing “MAGA” hats who he claimed shouted “This is MAGA country” while beating him and putting a noose around his neck. He claimed that these “MAGA” Trump loving republican assailants targeted him because he was gay and maybe also cause he was black. 

It turns out that Smollett had (allegedly) actually paid two men to beat him up and in fact, the men couldn’t even find real MAGA hats in the not-so-conservative part of Chicago they were in, so they were just wearing random red baseball caps. 

The story to anyone who didn’t want to believe people who don’t agree with them are racist sounds totally nuts for a multitude of reasons, not least of which is that Smollett had a Subway sandwich fully intact and the noose still around his neck when he arrived at the Police station to make this claim. Further, his assailants were themselves black which would make the racially motivated attack pretty confusing. And finally, it would require a Trump-loving American to be aware of who the b-list actor was enough to know that he was gay. All highly dubious claims.

The absolute absurdity of the story did not stop the liberal media from reporting it as absolute fact with no effort to check its validity and it certainly did not stop celebrities from drinking it up, swallowing it, and allowing it to lift them to their highest of horses to condemn those who dare not agree with their progressive values as evil and violent racists. 

Jussie Smollett now faces charges for lying to Chicago police and falsifying the hate crime claim. He faces six felony counts of disorderly conduct and could face three years in prison. Based on the lead detectives fairly air tight testimony, things don’t look great for Mr. Smollett.

Here are the best ones compiled by E-Beth: 

  1. Kamala Harris:Thoughts and prayers.
  1. Billy Eichner: Time has told. 
  1. Cory Booker: The whole thing looked so much like a lynching its almost like it was staged.
  1. Eric Swallwell: Free speech should be banned probably.
  1. Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez: Her outrage is BETTER than your outrage
  1. Mark Hammil: Glad he didn’t grab his lightsaber and burn down a bodega over this one
  1. Taraji P. Henson: Wish granted!
  1. Alyssa Milano: Good news! Living on earth as a wealthy celebrity actor is actually not very hard after all!
  1. Kathy Griffin: Was this fake attack worse or better than posing with the fake severed head of the sitting president?  
  1. Maxine Waters: Which is further away from her district: Chicago or her house 
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