This week, Biden campaigned for Democrat hopeful Terry McAuliffe in Virginia and it got… interesting. In a short speech, Joe got confused and started talking total...
This week, TikTok executive Michael Beckerman finally faced the fire on Capitol Hill. Senators had a chance to ask the burning questions about China’s influence on...
Biden’s coming for your wallet. According to the non-partisan Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan would hike taxes on the millions of...
On Tuesday evening, President Biden joined Democrat gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe for a “rally” in Alexandria. Energy was… well… here’s a picture. Despite overwhelming the metropolitan...
The U.K. isn’t the only major United States ally with a royal family (apparently). This week in a romantic move that I’m referring to now as...
Earlier this week, Joe Biden attempted to sell his $3.5 trillion dollar spending deal to America… And it got WEIRD. WATCH:
In the midst of an extremely tight race for Governor, Loudoun County School District in Virginia has been rife with controversy over their policies from critical...
Finally, bipartisan agreement that we should FIRE FAUCI! No, it’s not because the NIH admitted he lied under oath about funding the gain of function research...
Earlier this week, Condoleezza Rice sat down with the absolutely insufferable liberal women of The View. Though some may be tempted to fall in line with...
Joe Biden’s town hall this week added fuel to the raging fire of suggestion that he is mentally unfit to be president. He made a bunch...