One of our fundamental rights as a free nation is to openly and freely question the integrity of our elections and our elected bodies. It is...
This week Cuban citizens have shown a rare moment of organized dissent as they have taken to the streets in the thousands to demand an end...
Over the weekend, thousands of Cubans took to the streets in rebellion against their tyrannical, communist leader. Videos of the protests show Cuban citizens shouting “Libertad”...
Vice President Kamala Harris and her fellow radical Democrats have declared war on the election integrity laws passing all over the country. They claim – without...
Liberals across the country are committed to putting Critical Race Theory on the curriculum. They want to teach American children that this nation is racist, our...
While the media was obsessing over lego sets and Joe Biden’s door-to-door plan for vaccine evangelism, a bigger story was brewing. It involves Russians, spies, Russian...
Michael Avenatti was once considered the savior of America… By delusional anchors of fake news who never, ever did their research. Now, their adoring statements are...
The movie expected to save the theater industry and bring butts back to seats was released to much fanfare on July 8. I personally viewed the...
What’s bigger than the FBI finding a FULLY ASSEMBLED lego set of the Capitol in an alleged rioter’s home? A lot of things. But specifically, this...
You may have heard that Tucker Carlson has issued a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to make public communications which he believes will show the...