Righteousness Porn

HOT TAKE: Youngkin Should Not Have Apologized



The left has a long habit of losing an argument then quickly crying foul and claiming their opponent used unfair tactics or emotions to manipulate them. This happens to FPF co-founder, Corinne Clark, on her regular media appearances and on her Twitter all the time. It also happens to Republican politicians, especially if they show weakness. 

Recently, a Virginia High School senior named Ethan Lynne student publicly criticized Governor Youngkin implying that he was racist and converting a room in the Governor’s mansion that is used to educate on slavery to a family room (a false accusation). When the Youngkin team pushed back demonstrating Lynne’s active involvement with the state democratic party and support of the former Governor (Ralph Northam) who was caught in black face, Lynne – of course- cried foul because he’d clearly lost credibility. He shamed the Governor for “attacking” a minor even though engagement with the Governor is exactly what Ethan aimed to do by attacking him publicly. 

In fact, he posted about a million things regarding this “scandal” pleased as a peacock for all the attention he’s getting- though – most of it totally discredits and dismisses him as a “child.” These dismissals of Lynne from the left are all pretty surprising since he was elevated as a leader on many Democratic campaigns in the state.  

The left was quick to pile on demanding an apology which Youngkin, foolishly, sort-of gave. The truth is that liberals LOVE to prop up teen students as active political leaders until it doesn’t suit them. If Greta Thunberg can address the UN at age 16 then she can be criticized. If Ethan Lynne wants to actively participate in party politics and openly criticize others then he can be criticized. 

And further, the left doesn’t actually want the apology; they just want to discredit the individual. So the apology itself only feeds their narrative and guess what, they don’t forgive you. 

Next time, he should take a page from Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Donald Trump, and every other Republican constantly being reprimanded by the left and the weak: just ignore them and carry on.

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