Righteousness Porn

REST EASY! The Celebrities Are Here To STOP PUTIN



Hollywood is here to stop Putin in his tracks.

Russia has invaded Ukraine and Biden keeps taking fake money away to try and stop him (kinda) all while being pressured by the absolutely terrifying warmongers in D.C. to start sending Americans over to violently dictate the outcome of a foreign territory dispute. Needless to say decision-makers at the White House don’t really know what to do right now and look pretty feckless. But luckily we don’t have Trump anymore out there starting world wars and being embarrassing right? 

Anyway, lucky for Joe Biden his celebrity friends are here to stop Vladimir Putin and his Russian comrades in their tracks. War is off. Sanctions over. Fuel prices stabilized. 

Savior, thy name is remake-90210’s Annalynne McCord.

The model/actress posted a video to her social media to hold a one woman poetry slam wishing she was Putin’s mother instead of his mother Russia. As you can imagine the video was very deep and very sincere and not hilariously bad.

This is not the first time Annalynne McCord has had some really good ideas for problem resolution. Check out this video where she fixes racism. 

Still waiting on Putin’s official response.

Note in begrudging fairness: check out Annalynne’s actual good work combatting slavery across the globe.

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