Righteousness Porn
ALERT: Here Are The Most Insane Responses To The End Of Mask Mandates
Yesterday, a Trump-appointed federal judge in Florida ended Joe Biden’s mask mandate extension, saying the Biden regime and the CDC had no authority to continue the requirement.
The Biden White House was less than thrilled with the decision. Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters: “This is obviously a disappointing decision… the Department of Justice will make any determination about litigation.”
But even the sad White House statement could not compare to the mask-addicted liberals on Twitter who are absolutely mortified that some people if they so choose, may SHOW THEIR FACES ON PLANES AGAIN.
Instead of just, idk, deciding not to fly for a little white, they’ve chosen to whine like little babies who had their blankie stolen from them before bed.
Here are just a few of their absolutely insane responses to the news.
Why can’t Jeremy just wear two masks?
A few months ago, Arne compared the unvaccinated to literal terrorists. So, I don’t think I have the kindness in my heart to respect his delusions of “safety.”
When the major airlines attempted to enforce the vaccine mandate late last year, more than 30 thousand flights were canceled in one weekend. I don’t remember liberal outrage over canceled flights back then?
WE GET IT, you’re wearing the mask for self-righteous purposes. Please don’t actually delude yourself into thinking it’s for YOUR HEALTH.
Here’s a reminder about what those mask mandates actually do for your health. (Hint: It’s nothing.)
And I saved the best for last because this exchange has me absolutely dead this morning.