Fake News

BREAKING: Here Are All Of The Best Pro-Life Reactions To Roe V Wade News 



In a 6-3 decision by the Supreme Court, Roe V. Wade has been overturned and abortion laws have been restored to the states. As you can guess, the left has had some….takes. But the good people of constitutional America have come out swinging. Here are the funniest things pro-lifers had to say about the decision: 

  1. No Roe Poso (@JackPosobiec) on gender clarity 

  1. This memory from Comfortably Smug (@comfortablysmug)

  1. Mostly Peaceful Meme’s (@mostlypeaceful) suggestion for PPFA new revenue line

  1. This ethical paradox presented by Tim Young (@timrunshismouth) 

  1. Sowell Crusher (@mynewsowell) waiting for the real moral authorities to weigh in 

  1. Whoever Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) stole this from without crediting 

7. Catturd (@catturd2) reminding us of how harmed by this ruling Bill Clinton really is 

8. Dumbass Photoshop (@dumbassphotoshp) with snapping the gauntlet 

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