
BREAKING: Joe Biden Builds The Wall…Directly Around Himself



It’s funny how Democrats will do anything to protect themselves and their political interests, but refuse to do the same for everyday Americans.

Case in point: the fence around the Capitol building. In preparation for the State of the Union, the powers-that-be made sure to put the fence back up, ensuring their safety and security.

But when it comes to securing our country’s border, President Biden and his administration have been reluctant at best.

The situation at the border is dire and growing worse by the day, yet the administration refuses to take meaningful action. Instead, they’ve done things like halt deportations and cancel border wall construction, making it easier for anyone and everyone to enter the country.

It’s time for the President to prioritize the safety and security of all Americans, not just politicians in Washington.

Secure the border, Mr. President.

Until then, the State of our Union will continue to be WEAK.

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