
YIKES! The FBI Just Tried To Be *Cute* And It Was Actually Awful! Here’s Why



This week in one of their more heinous acts, the Washington D.C. office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) thought it would be cute to invoke Taylor Swift and her recent album release (a remake of her 2010 classic Speak Now) to solicit their narc program. The boot really wants to be your friend.

It’s sort of blithely absurd that the FBI thinks they can tell jokes and meme and be cool with the public considering the FBI has, in recent years:

It’s sort of blithely absurd that the FBI thinks they can tell jokes and meme and be cool with the public considering the FBI has, in recent years: 

  1. Been caught blackmailing USA Gymnastics (soliciting jobs) in exchange for silencing reports from five Olympic Gold Medalists of rampant sexual assault 
  2. Raiding the home of President Trump in an unprecedented act of political persecution 
  3. Refused to answer Congressional inquiry regarding their involvement in the Capitol riots of January 6
  4. Might have entrapped a homeless man in a plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer
  5. Presented fraudulent evidence to a FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign 
  6. Created a concerted campaign to intentionally create a narrative of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign in Operation Crossfire Hurricane and again falsified evidence to obtain a warrant

People on all sides of the aisle and from all walks of life were not having any of it. But some responded better than others.

Here are the best and worst clap backs to the FBI’s cringey and bad taste Taylor Swift post:

Best – this Swift fan who was sure it was a parody account

Worst- House Judiciary fighting fire with worse fire

Best – these guys who called them out on taste

Worst- Because they’re idiots, Kingsley

Best- Solid advice and a lyrical connection

Worst – NO

Best- (FBIs version) doesn’t mean what they think it means

Worst- this out of touch confusion one the unity of our hatred

Best- This reference. LEAVE TAYLOR OUT OF IT

And finally mine which is the cringiest worst/best of them all

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