
Unbelievable! Shocking BLM Social Media Posts Spark Conservative Outrage



In a shocking turn of events, Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapters in Los Angeles and Chicago have ignited a firestorm of controversy with their social media posts seemingly endorsing the recent acts of terrorism carried out by Hamas against Israel. This has left many conservatives who strongly support Israel deeply outraged.

Over the past weekend, Hamas launched a brutal invasion of Israel, resulting in the tragic loss of over 1,000 innocent lives in a horrific fashion. The reports of their actions, including heinous acts such as raping women and decapitating babies, have sent shockwaves through the global community.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), BLM Chicago shared an image that featured a person paragliding with a Palestinian flag proudly displayed, bearing the message “I stand with Palestine.” This imagery is particularly disturbing as it invokes the memory of the Hamas terrorists who used paragliders to infiltrate Israeli towns, where they callously butchered innocent civilians.

Meanwhile, BLM Los Angeles, boasting an impressive following of over 300,000 on their Instagram account, shared a statement that attempted to justify their controversial stance:

“We must stand unwaveringly on the side of the oppressed. When a people have been subject to decades of apartheid and unimaginable violence, their resistance must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.”

They went on to draw parallels between the struggles of Black and Palestinian people, aligning their cause with the plight of Palestinians.

The unsettling support for Hamas was not confined to the BLM chapters alone, as several Democratic representatives in Congress echoed these sentiments. Reps. Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib all released statements that notably refrained from condemning the brutal actions of Hamas. Instead, they framed these acts as a reaction to Israeli oppression. Bush and Omar even went so far as to call for an end to U.S. aid to Israel.

Regardless of one’s political leanings, be it the radical Marxist ideology of BLM or the Palestinian heritage of individuals like Rashida Tlaib, it remains a matter of great concern that the brutal actions of Hamas should not be equivocally condemned. The principles of justice and morality should transcend political affiliations, and acts of terrorism must be denounced without reservation.

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