Fake News

BREAKING: The left’s most unhinged reactions to the RNC Convention



This week the Republicans held their convention to nominate their presidential candidate and adopt party principles. A large-scale rally of sorts,  the convention is meant to bring the party together and cheer its candidate toward victory in November. The 2024 RNC convention understood the assignment. With a roster of new, fresh speakers and loads of powerful moments and imagery, the convention is being touted as a major party success. 

The left, of course, is fuming. They’re bleeding from their eyes, from there…wherever. Here are their most ludacris and unhinged takes both during and following the convention: 

Fake Jacketgate 

A LOT of sycophantic liberals took ghoulish pleasure in pointing out that Corey Comperatore’s fireman’s jacket which was prominently displayed on stage with President Trump for his remarks had a misspelling. What they didn’t care to check was that the uniform was always spelled that way on the jacket allegedly because his full name wouldn’t fit.

The View’s pride and JOY claiming Christian’s are narcissists for thanking God for his protection

Joy Behar claims to have been raised as a Catholic but whoever taught her this theology was clearly reading from a different book than the Bible. 

Some thought it was lame for President Trump to be so grateful 

How dare a man who just defied death by less than an inch be so grateful to those around him.

Late night funny man and many other leftists haters thought it was their job to weigh in on what is and isn’t Christian 

Andy Richter went on a blocking spree for the extreme ratio he experienced from people pretty baffled as to how enforcing basic border laws was unChristian. 

Many liberals don’t seem to know what a cheesy ‘bit’ is

People were wearing the ear cover as a funny show of solidarity not because they actually thought their ear was bleeding. It is not remotely comparable to the ludacris mask mandates of the COVID-19 era. 

So upset about Hulk Hogan giving a wonderful and funny speech 

Hulk Hogan was fired for saying the ‘n’ word but was baptized as a Christian in 2023 saying that he had totally derailed from a walk with Christ. He also apologized profusely for his use of racial slurs. The use of the ‘n word’ was discovered on a tape from private conversations and Hogan nearly killed himself after it was released. To say he was contrite would be an understatement. Many high profile fighters including George Foreman came to Hogan’s defense at the time saying the tape didn’t reflect his character. After his firing and removal from the WWE Hall of Fame, Hogan recommitted to Christ and saved the life of a teenage girl who flipped her car. 

Haters gonna hate. But what are you gonna do when Trumpania comes for youuuuuu?

Biden’s own team actually accidentally self-owned by showing a clip of Hulk Hogan’s amazing speech with no commentary 

They were just so incorrectly sure that people would think this was lame and not a pure, unadulterated good time.

This other late night funny man thinks the convention was ‘psychotic’ 

It’s like these guys have never been to a convention of any kind or met any normal people in their whole lives. This monologue is truly such a powerful meltdown it’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen him done since taking over the late night spot.

Keep on clowning lefties! You’ve lost everyone already you might as well keep seeming like the WORST. 

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