Taxpayer Win! Trump Slashes Billions in Useless Foreign Aid
The Trump administration just announced it’s slashing more than 90% of USAID’s foreign aid contracts, and we couldn’t have dreamed of better news. This is the kind of policy change that Ron Paul and budget hawks have been screaming about for decades while the establishment ignored them.
For years, the U.S. has been bleeding billion dollars annually on foreign aid while we sit trillions in debt, drowning in our own economic struggles. And for what? To bankroll projects that have absolutely nothing to do with American interests. Sure, the neocon crowd will try to justify some of it—funding “freedom fighters” who somehow always turn into ISIS, or sending billions in military aid to countries that hate us—but a lot of these “investments” are nothing more than taxpayer-funded woke nonsense.
Did you know your hard-earned money has paid for gender identity plays for the Taliban? Or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in Ireland? Because nothing says “urgent international need” like ensuring Irish bureaucrats get their critical race theory training. Meanwhile, American cities are crumbling, veterans are homeless, and our own economy is on the brink of disaster.
Trump’s move to gut these wasteful contracts is a long-overdue first step in putting America first—where our tax dollars should be going in the first place. If other countries want these ridiculous programs, they can fund them themselves. We’re done footing the bill.
So, to the establishment foreign aid fanatics having a meltdown over this news: grab a tissue, maybe a safe space, and take a hard look at how this money was being spent. Because Americans are waking up, and they’re tired of being the world’s ATM.
America First!