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BREAKING: Joe Biden Totally Blows It When Asked About Influx Of Unvaccinated Migrants



Despite the ongoing pandemic and its economic strain on U.S. workers, Joe Biden has opened the southern border to hundreds of thousands of incoming migrants since he took office.

And apparently, he’s not requiring any COVID test for any of them.

After criticizing Ron DeSantis of Florida at a recent conference for “bad health policy” regarding his ban on mask mandates and vaccine passports, President Biden took a hit from Peter Doocy of Fox News.

Doocy asked the president “So what is the thinking behind letting untested and unvaccinated migrants across the southern border into U.S. cities in record numbers?”

Biden stumbled. He had no good answer, so he basically avoided the question completely.

He told the crowd of reporters that “What we’re doing – we have not withdrawn the order that is sometimes critical – criticized saying that unvaccinated people should go back across the border. But unaccompanied children is a different story because that’s the most humane thing to do is to test them and to treat them and not send them back alone.”

Whatever that means.

Watch the whole awkward video: