In a surprising turn of events, Elon Musk, the visionary behind the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), recently conducted a poll that sparked a heated...
Former Representative Liz Cheney, once a prominent figure in the Republican Party, issued a stark warning over the weekend regarding the potential danger posed by a...
In a surprising turn of events, Democratic leaders are scrapping the term “Bidenomics” from their 2024 campaign strategy, signaling a significant shift away from their initial...
Our wide-open southern border is an ENORMOUS problem. It’s not just illegal immigrants from Mexico we have to worry about! New video shows proof that military-aged...
Gavin Newsom’s state is a sad, sad scene and this latest video proves it. Watch the PROOF of the war on Christmas in liberal California.
Former Representative Liz Cheney, once a prominent figure in the Republican Party, issued a stark warning over the weekend regarding the potential danger posed by a...
Pencil neck Adam Schiff has upset a LOT of Americans and apparently, we’re fighting back now. Watch him get totally SCHOOLED at the airport this week.
In a surprising turn of events, Democratic leaders are scrapping the term “Bidenomics” from their 2024 campaign strategy, signaling a significant shift away from their initial...
The repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic have been far-reaching, extending beyond the realm of physical health into the intricate landscape of mental well-being. Recent research from...
Funerals bring people together! Unfortunately for America, the ceremony for Jimmy Carter’s wife gave us the scariest plane full of nefarious politicos we’ve ever seen. Joe...