The latest polls have the media elite smiling from ear to ear. Numerous surveys show a double-digit advantage for Joe Biden, with solid leads in a...
The liberal media is frequently upset by President Trump’s actions – or inactions – and his latest move is leaving a bunch of journalists with mixed...
This week, Goya Foods faced the wrath of WOKE liberals who were triggered when CEO Bob Unanue praised President Trump. Radicals like AOC immediately called for...
Mark and Patricia McCloskey went viral after defending their St. Louis home from violent Black Lives Matter protesters who tore down a gate to illegally enter...
On Friday, President Trump commuted the prison sentence of his longtime friend, Roger Stone. The news is driving liberals completely crazy – and Stone knows it....
The President’s Mount Rushmore speech on Independence Day was a huge success. Conservatives everywhere have praised it as “the message Americans needed to hear.” So, naturally,...
On Sunday, Susan Rice – who is most famous for her role in the coverup that excused the murder of Americans in Benghazi in 2011 –...
From the COVID-19 crisis to the Black Lives Matter riots, there’s no doubt many Americans have felt a renewed pressure to keep their families safe. And...
This season’s biggest political theory: Anytime you put a camera in front of Joe Biden, there’s a 100 percent chance he will make a gaffe. This...
The humiliation she faced in 2016 hasn’t discouraged Hillary Clinton even a little bit. She’s still as delusional as ever! In a podcast interview earlier this...