Watch now or listen here! Be sure to subscribe! TRANSCRIPT: Corinne: All right. First pod-cast. Stephanie: Yeah, we’re ready. Corinne: (Laughs) I’m Corinne. Stephanie: I’m Steph....
The New York times continues to be in competition with itself for the most fake news publication in history. Over the weekend, they ran a story...
Spoons make you fat, guns shoot people, and airplanes did 9/11. At least that’s the latest fake news garbage to come from the New York Times....
In the blink of an eye, what was once “we can’t have a foreign agent as President!” has become “we can’t have a mentally unstable man...
We knew the left was DESPERATE to tie President Trump to a white nationalist agenda, but this is a new low… even for them. Thanks to...
At last night’s Democrat debate, CNN’s Don Lemon couldn’t help but share his own biased thoughts while questioning the candidates. Just watch: This afternoon, President Trump...
We’ve known for a while that big tech has it out for conservatives. They’ve prioritized liberal narratives on search, deleted conservative accounts on Facebook, shadow banned...
Vote in our poll below! Virginia Lt Governor Justin Fairfax, who would become governor if racist Governor Ralph Northam resigns, recently denied an assault allegation after...
Most of the fake news is still yammering about Russian deception, but Alabama Democrats (presumably, non-bot Americans) are running the most deceptive campaign of all. It’s...
Liberals on Twitter are making wild accusations of racism again. This time claiming Kavanaugh’s Hispanic, Jewish Assistant, Zina Bash, is a supporter of white supremacists! None...