DailyWire+, the streaming project of the Daily Wire, recently launched a new adult cartoon series, Mr. Birchum. Mr. Brichum follows the daily life of the titular...
Spider-Man 3 was re-released to about 400 theaters for the first time since it first came out in 2007 which brought its domestic box office totals...
The White House Correspondents dinner was on April 27 and is perhaps an even more insufferable annual event than the Met Gala and it produces a...
Summertime is finally almost here! And you know what that means? The perfect weather to make beach plans then cancel them and stay inside and watch...
Roseanne Barr is trending again for a satirical skit she performed and posted to her social media which depicts her suddenly remembering being raped by President...
As you should know by now unless you have 0 exposure to any women between the ages of 9 and 40, Taylor Swift recently released a...
To much fanfare, Taylor Swift’s most recent album “The Tortured Poets Department” was released April 19. The album has a B side version “Anthology” which makes...
Following an April Fools Day post by conservative influencer and Daily Wire affiliate, Matt Walsh, DailyWire+ has added a new show, Judged by Matt Walsh. Judged...
The most famous name in college basketball, Caitlin Clark, was unsurprisingly drafted to the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA). The former University of Iowa star went...
Well well well look at how the tables turn. University of California, Berkeley students were invited to an exclusive dinner party at her Berkeley Dean’s home...