After several delayed release dates, the last of the Daniel Craig era Bond films was released in mid-October 2021 aptly named No Time To Die (no...
Netflix featured prominent comedian, Dave Chapelle, known for his bombastic and controversial style of “tell it like it is” stand-up. The streaming platform had a five...
You may have seen the 2% rating from viewers on the popular ratings aggregator, Rotten Tomatoes, for National Geographic’s most recent Disney+ release, Fauci. Normally I...
Returning to the stage via Netflix Stand-up Series as his sixth and final installment since his 2017 triumph, The Age of Spin. He has done a...
By Jennifer Zilla Halloween is next to Christmas for the most festive movie options for film buffs and families alike. While many may be seeking out...
Fourteen years after the conclusion of one of HBO’s most successful and iconic series, The Sopranos, comes The Many Saints of Newark (Many Saints), a prequel...
Contrary to what you might believe and how he might present himself, Anthony Fauci is actually not the head of the government medical arm, the National...
In the height of the AIDS epidemic in the late 1980a, Dr. Anthony Fauci was already the head of infectious diseases at the National Institute of...
Recently, Joe Biden signed an Executive Order which mandates COVID-19 vaccines for all federal workers and ultimate federal contractors. He also ordered his lackeys at Occupational...
This week, the most glittery and elite of the world came together for the most exclusive event of the year, the Met Gala, and one of...