When Joe Biden isn’t hiding in his basement, he’s trying desperately to work into the conversation that he is from Scranton, Pennsylvania. He says this about...
Amy Coney Barret is a personal hero of mine. She was not a hero of mine before she entered the national discussion as a contender and...
The left is trying to claim they’re the party of pro-life and I’m honestly dead because it’s so hilarously not true. We all know that in...
Over the weekend I could feel my proverbial tin foil hat getting bigger and bigger marinating in my own thoughts about how peculiar the current COVID-19...
I guess only Trump was personally responsible for his own COVID diagnosis. Everyone else is just a victim of something out of our control. But not...
Did Joe Biden forget which words were real in the 2020 Debate? Or am I just an uneducated boob? Either could be true – you’ll have...
The left is foaming at the mouth calling President Trump’s debate performance “disgusting” “amoral” and beneath the office of the president. I find that very odd...
The leftist media has made it their mission to paint President Trump as the big bad interrupter man who was evil and ruined the debate whereas...
In the first presidential debate, the “moderator” Chris Wallace occasionally took a pause from monologuing his deepest thoughts and feelings to ask a question – most...
When Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, lefties rushed to Twitter to push a probably fake quote from the Justice that claims it is her “fervent wish” –...