The mean tweeters forgot that conservative women don’t have any free will. Duhhh.
We’ve heard every media darling and Biden economist defend Joe’s failing economy using one statistic… And it’s all a complete lie. Here’s why… View this post...
The FBI has made it clear they are now acting as an official arm of the DNC, but a new whistleblower report reveals how far they’re...
The radical leftists in Hollywood have made it clear they are NOT fans of Tucker Carlson. But one starlet is taking it a step further… WATCH:
Yesterday evening, Joe Biden gave one of the most frightening speeches in American history. What is his actual deal? Find out.
After lots and lots of promises to his very angsty base, Joe Biden is finally taking action on student loans. But… what he has decided to do...
The FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Estate has been controversial to say the least – but things are just heating up now as the former President...
Last night, Joe Biden’s FBI raided the home of his likely 2024 opponent, former President Donald J Trump. This is the worst attack on the Republic...
We’re talking Trump’s new law suit, Biden’s attempt to rewrite the meaning of key economic indicators, and literally demonstrate the clear division in the GOP. (Are...