Jen Psaki might be the last to know that most people think mainstream networks are about as trustworthy as airport sushi.
The best thing to watch during this clip is HOW the ladies at the View respond to this.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams is a huge liberal but he definitely understands why Kamala lost! Watch this:
This is a MUST-SEE viral video!
When Joe and Mika bragged to the internet that they went to Mar-a-lago, Sonny was so upset she could barely function.
Trump had world leaders shaking in their boots without firing a single shot. Biden’s over here playing real-life Risk like it’s game night.
Honestly, Trump picked the best VP – and the VP picked the best dog, apparently.
Joe Biden wandered around stage trying to get a pic with G20 leaders and it’s so awkward.
Whoopi knows NOTHING about the working class and that’s the big problem with the View!
President Trump is already fixing immigration policies everywhere!