In a shocking yet unsurprising development, 76-year-old Panos Anastasiou, a longtime Democrat donor, was arrested by the Department of Justice for repeatedly threatening six conservative Supreme...
Let’s just face it: liberals are ruining small towns! DJT and JD Vance are standing up to defend Americans against the progressive agenda. Just watch:
President Trump sat down with Gutfeld and it was AMAZING.
This is the side of Trump the media doesn’t want us to see! Watch the president greet this 8-year-old boy with a rare cancer and try...
OMG! This woman cannot stop changing her accent. Is this the worst one yet?
Kamala is completely lying about the death of a Georgia woman.
There are a lot of differences between the two candidates but here’s the main difference…
They all hate Trump – so why are they offering him advice?
This is a winner!
There’s a lot going around about Trump’s debate performance. How do you think it went?