In a surprising move, Fox News has announced that Jesse Watters will be taking over the highly coveted 8 p.m. slot, previously occupied by the renowned...
In yet another concerning incident, Joe Biden’s mental acuity has come under scrutiny. During a meeting with the Prime Minister of India on Friday, the President...
Russia had quite the rollercoaster ride over the weekend. In a jaw-dropping turn of events, thousands of Russian mercenaries embarked on a march towards Moscow, aiming...
It’s no secret that the United States is facing a significant and ever-increasing problem when it comes to illegal immigration. Recent estimates reveal that a staggering...
The web of Biden deceit grows more tangled every day. In a recent development, Hunter Biden, the crackhead son of President Joe Biden, has gracefully agreed...
Do you remember the “Russian Collusion” narrative? Well, it turns out that was all fake af. (Shocking, right!??) Special Counsel John Durham testified before Congress yesterday,...
You have probably seen by now that a private tour group who was set to explore the Titanic is lost at sea in a minisubmarine. The...
Trump just dropped a game-changing bombshell with his latest Agenda 47 policy video! He’s laying out his master plan to tackle wasteful spending, put an end...
Yesterday, Hunter Biden, the crack-head son of Joe Biden, was charged with minor tax crimes and gun charges following a lengthy investigation. The deal he received...
In a stunning display of fiscal incompetence, the Department of Defense (DOD) has once again proved that when it comes to handling taxpayer money, they can’t...