In Sandra Bullock’s second buzzworthy film for Netflix (the first being in the viral sensation, Birdbox), The Unforgivable, is proving to be a critical failure for...
The Matrix Resurrections is the newest installment in the fabled Matrix franchise which was a trilogy that originally concluded with The Matrix Revolutions in 2003 almost...
After almost 20 years, one of the most popular and iconic TV shows in history, Sex and The City, who basically invented HBO and found a...
The Conservative Critic Meter Check: The Power of the Dog One of the films leading the early awards buzz is Netflix’s newest drama, The Power of...
On Thanksgiving Day for the last 20 years, NBC has aired the National Dog Show put on by Purina and the Kennel Club of Philadelphia. One...
Just in time for some Thanksgiving family boredom, Netflix released a new, campy, buddy-heist starring three big names and a promise of fun, Red Notice. But...
The newest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Eternals, tackles the unasked questions about how Earth was formed and who the deities are within the superhero world....
Its that time of year again to ignore puppy killer Anthony Fauci’s stupid advice and get together with friends and family for the holidays. But as...
Do you love westerns? Do you also love playful modernism inserted into artistic direction and styling of period pieces? Do you enjoy undertold American legacies? If...
Last week the meticulously crafted and highly anticipated remake of the 1984 film cult classic (and 1965 novel), Dune, was released to theaters and HBO...