Not Dead Yet premiered in early February starring veteran sitcom lead, Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin) as Nell Serrano whose messy life has landed her a...
Animal Control starring fan favorite Joel McCale (Community) premiered on Fox in mid-February. The show is a workplace comedy exploring the not-so-glamorous side of first responders...
The Woman King recently released to streaming after a respectable stint in theaters earning about $95 million domestically with an almost perfect audience score on Rotten...
M3GAN hit NBC’s streaming service, Peacock with its “unrated” version this past weekend. The film is a burgeoning cult sensation which had the internet buzzing long...
Tar has been nominated for Best Picture and though it is not the frontrunner, neither was Moonlight or last year’s winner CODA. The film is so...
She Said is a retelling of the New York Times reporters who released the Hollywood shattering story detailing Harvey Weinstein’s decades of sexual assault, abuse and...
Buzzfeed.News (which lol) recently posted a “news” article about how ~controversial~ it is for Netflix to publish stories about violent killers featuring attractive men starring as...
President Trump did not like Rihanna’s Halftime performance at this weekend’s Super Bowl LVII and many others are debating its merits. Some liked the floating stages...
Triangle of Sadness has been on a grassroots campaign all season to snag it’s coveted spot in the Best Picture category at the Oscars. The off-kilter...
Everything Everywhere All At Once (Everywhere), which was released to theaters in 2022 and is now streaming on Showtime, is widely considered to be a top...