After two long years of massive, catastrophic, and truly avoidable mistakes from Disney CEO Bob Chapek, former CEO Bob Iger will be returning to take back...
The English is a limited series on Prime featuring Emily Blunt (A Quiet Place) about an english woman who is on a path of revenge in...
Four years after the release of the original Black Panther and two years after the death of its titular star, Chadwick Boseman (who died of colon...
Lindsay Lohan has returned to our hearts and homes through her new Netflix film Falling for Christmas. She did not come meekly. The film serves holiday...
The queen of the 00s, Lindsay Lohan (Mean Girls) has made her triumphant return to film after a long hiatus in the much anticipated Netflix release,...
If you’ve been online in the last few days no doubt you’ve seen the myriad of memes about Leonardo DiCaprio’s perception of the age 25. Like...
There is a big trend going around TikTok and now Hollywood called the “jellyfish” and boy do I have thoughts. Every generation has its signature hairstyle...
In recent months, former Playmates and residents of the Playboy Mansion have come forward alleging misconduct by Hugh Hefner and positioning themselves as victims of both...
Perhaps the most anticipated new show in 2022 is House of the Dragon on HBOMax. After the wildly unpopular and broadly panned conclusion of Game of...
2022 has been my journey to explore new content both to hone my critical eye and for my personal enjoyment. So far this year I have...