Reports indicate that a hazmat team recently stumbled upon a concerning substance – cocaine – within the White House Library. An audio clip documenting the incident...
On Independence Day in 2020, America found itself in the midst of a profound struggle. The nation was grappling with a devastating pandemic, and the economic...
In a bizarre turn of events, a recent clash between left-leaning factions unfolded in London, pitting climate activists against members of the LGBTQ+ community during their...
In a rare appearance on live tv, President Biden did something really weird. He seemed to get distracted and WANDER OFF before the interview was even...
Out on the campaign trail, Joe Biden is shamelessly attempting to popularize the term “Bidenomics,” as if we’re all supposed to believe that his economic policies...
In a scathing critique of President Biden’s dangerous approach to border security, former President Donald Trump has lambasted the current administration’s policies as a threat to...
WTF is Joe Biden doing in his meetings with world leaders? When he’s not accidentally holding hands and embarrassing our whole country, it appears he’s taken...
Over the weekend, the former Speaker of the House told former White House press secretary Jen Psaki on her new MSNBC program that Supreme Court justices...
In yet another concerning incident, Joe Biden’s mental acuity has come under scrutiny. During a meeting with the Prime Minister of India on Friday, the President...
Last weekend we witnessed a showdown for the ages. RFK Jr., the prominent Democrat who dares to challenge Biden’s reign, made waves across social media after...