In an astounding turn of events, the beloved former President, Donald Trump, has once again graced the Twitter-sphere with his presence after a two-year hiatus. His...
In a stunning turn of events, Fox News is now facing allegations of suppressing voices within the conservative movement. The incident occurred after the recent Republican...
Last night, President Trump skipped the debate and sat down with Tucker Carlson for an exclusive interview. It. Was. Amazing. Here are the top 5 moments....
In recent developments, the Biden administration has been discreetly ramping up its procurement of Covid-19 equipment and enlisting advisors to oversee “safety protocols.” These actions have...
CNN’s Jake Tapper has left many in disbelief, even his regular viewers, as he surprisingly acknowledged the accuracy of a statement by former President Trump. Tapper’s...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is no stranger to criticism from the press. He comes PREPARED for a fight. The smug reporters at BBC weren’t even ready...
Oh, the political circus is in full swing, and Governor Ron DeSantis is gearing up to unleash a rhetorical sledgehammer. A leaked debate memo from the...
In a surprising turn of events, Representative James Comer has unveiled a complex network of secrecy that Joe Biden utilized during his time as Vice President....
President Donald J. Trump’s lawyer just gave Fox News’ puppet, Steve Doocy, a much-needed reality check right on live TV. Talk about must-see television! In a...
The internet is buzzing with criticism after Joe Biden’s latest escapade where he decided to grace us with some CREEPY AF off-the-cuff comments aimed at innocent...